Monday, July 18, 2011

Book club

I've always wanted to be in a book club. I majored in English because I thought it was "like" being in a book club, for crying out loud...only I had to write lots of papers. Yet, I had never been in a genuine, honest-to-goodness book club. I was invited last year to be a part of one, but scheduling never seemed to work out. This year, in February, I decided to take the plunge and start my own. Six months into it, and I can honestly say, it has been a blast! Last month we even had a few new people join the group, so we are up to 12 women now. We usually meet at a restaurant for food and drinks and end up talking about everything under the sun (and the book, too). It has definitely been a blessing, and I might get down-right depressed if we had to stop meeting. I often get asked for suggestions on books to read by others, so I thought I'd share what our book club is reading and some other good recommendations.

2011 Book Club Reading List

February - Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese (fiction) - one of the most beautifully written stories ever! It takes a little time to warm up, but you will feel blessed once you finished you just devoured literary art.

March - A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World by Paul E. Miller (non-fiction) - best book on prayer I've ever read, hands-down!

April - The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls (memoir) - Book club favorite.

May - Loving our Kids on Purpose by Danny Silk (non-fiction) - Great ideas in this here book.

June - The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton (fiction) - Be ready to get wrapped up in such a great story that you will be depressed when it is over. Love! Looking forward to reading another one of Morton's books.

July -– Tiny Sunbirds Far Away by Christine Watson (fiction) - Just finished! Terrific! This is in CNN's list of top summer reads for 2011 (and it was).

August - Room by Emma Donoghue (fiction)

September - Half The Sky by Sheryl WuDunn (non-fiction)

October – The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley (fiction)

November - The Hunger Games - Book 1 by Suzanne Collins (fiction)

December - Catching Fire - Book 2 by Suzanne Collins (fiction)

January 2012 - Mockingjay - Book 3 by Suzanne Collins (fiction)

Other good one's:
Bossypants, by: Tina Fey - because we all need a good laugh

Half Broke Horses, by: Jeannette Walls - this is somewhat of a sequel to The Glass Castle about the author's grandmother

Sarah's Key, by: Tatiana de Rosnay - Great WW2 historical fiction

The Help, by: Kathryn Stockett - I've already recommended this book, but the movie is coming out soon, and it is truly a great read! Must read!

The Mark of the Lion series, by: Francine Rivers - The ONLY Christian fiction I'm not embarrassed to say that I've read. It is good...seriously good y'all. Would read it every year if I had the time. Chad has even read it, and loved it!

Hope this gives you some good reading ideas!