Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Francis Family

Hey Everyone! I just wanted to post some images of my last photo shoot with the Francis family. I met Brandy through some close friends when I was looking to find some help with watching Luke a couple days out of the week. Brandy is so gifted with children! Luke absolutely loves going to her house and playing with all the kiddos. We had such a great time on this photo shoot. We went to the Kimball Art Museum, and it was such a gorgeous spring day. Landon, who is two-and-a-half years old, was sure to keep my shutter button on my camera pushed at all times! He is a mover and a shaker, that is for sure! I could barely keep up with him and all the cute stuff he was doing. Beau was really great sport. He went along with all my crazy ideas like laying down in the grass and putting his feet in the water. We had some great photo opps. Thank you for all you do, Brandy! You are such a blessing to our family.

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