Thursday, May 8, 2008

Little Nathan

I'd like to introduce you guys to little Nathan. Isn't he a cutie pie? I was introduced to his mom, Fancy, through a good friend of mine from college, Jennifer. Fancy and I had so much fun during this photo shoot! She was so great to let me try the "bath in the kitchen sink" idea. I love that shot! Nathan was such a happy baby. He was so tolerant of us changing his outfit a gazillion times. He has so many precious facial expressions, it was hard to pick which one's I wanted to share.

1 comment:

Dawn Jenkins said...

I don't know if you guys remember me, but I met you, Chad and Danny when you drove up on my car accident in 1998. My maiden name was Dawn Dunkin, but I've been married almost six years now. Ronnie and I live west of Lubbock and I have two boys, 1 and 3. Crazy how fast life flies by. I saw Danny's family blog and then found yours. I enjoyed catching up on your sweet family...Luke is a cutie! Tell Chad I said Hi and check out my blog if you have time -
p.s. Your photos are are super talented!